ReviewFinder Dog Hip & Joint Care Products

Pro-Sense Glucosamine

Consumer sentiment:
In comparison:
Pro-Sense Glucosamine rank #22 out of 24.
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The product receives great reviews on average (consumer score 7.9). This is below the median dog supplement consumer score of 9.2.

About consumer score

We currently don't have any recent price information for Pro-Sense Glucosamine, so we can't determine how its cost ranks in comparison to other Dog Hip & Joint Care Products.
  • Lowest price: $16.95
  • Median price: $39.99
  • Highest price: $113.94
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ReviewFinder: reviews, prices and alternatives summarized by a powerful AI engine.

Best Alternatives

3 best dog hip & joint care products in the same price range as Pro-Sense Glucosamine

Scroll to see all options. Click on the dog supplement for more details.
Nutramax Cosequin Double Strength Dasuquin Soft Chews MSM Nutramax Dasuquin
In comparison:
Nutramax Cosequin Double Strength rank #1 out of 33. Very high levels of customer satisfaction.
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In comparison:
Dasuquin Soft Chews MSM rank #3 out of 33. Very high levels of customer satisfaction.
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In comparison:
Nutramax Dasuquin rank #2 out of 33. Very high levels of customer satisfaction.
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Expert consensus not yet generated.
Expert consensus not yet generated.
Nutramax Dasuquin is a safe and effective joint supplement for dogs that contains a proprietary blend of active ingredients and is recommended by veterinarians.
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Dog Hip & Joint Care Products above are offered because they are in the same price range as Pro-Sense Glucosamine. To browse more budget and premium dog hip & joint care products go to our dog supplement ranking .

Highest recommended dog hip & joint care products this month

ReviewFinder ranks based on a combination of customer reviews, expert reviews / mentions and popularity. Expert recommendations carry the highest weight in the ranking. We do not rank based on price, our commission or brand. dog hip & joint care products below are at the top of our ranking this April.

Scroll to see all options. Click on the dog supplement for more details.
Nutramax Cosequin Double Strength Dasuquin Soft Chews MSM Nutramax Dasuquin Nutramax Dasuquin Soft Chews
In comparison:
Nutramax Cosequin Double Strength rank #1 out of 33. Very high levels of customer satisfaction.
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In comparison:
Dasuquin Soft Chews MSM rank #3 out of 33. Very high levels of customer satisfaction.
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In comparison:
Nutramax Dasuquin rank #2 out of 33. Very high levels of customer satisfaction.
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In comparison:
Nutramax Dasuquin Soft Chews rank #6 out of 33. Very high levels of customer satisfaction.
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Expert consensus not yet generated.
Expert consensus not yet generated.
Nutramax Dasuquin is a safe and effective joint supplement for dogs that contains a proprietary blend of active ingredients and is recommended by veterinarians.
Expert consensus not yet generated.
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ReviewFinder: reviews, prices and alternatives summarized by a powerful AI engine.