Customers like Mongoose Legion L80 and Mongoose Legion L60 about the same

At ReviewFinder we prefer to focus on professional product reviews, because customer reviews can be disproportionately affected by unrelated factors such as delivery, specific seller listing problems, and, of course, fake reviews. With that said, below is the summary of consumer sentiment.

Mongoose Legion L60
Mongoose Legion L80
Consumer score (CS) is a normalized computed representation of customers' sentiment towards a product.
CS of 10 is similar to a 4.8 star review, CS of 0 is similar to a 2 star review.

Both Mongoose Legion L80 and Mongoose Legion L60 have very similar good customer reviews.

As can be seen in the chart above, median best-selling bmx bike receives a consumer score of 7.1 (good). Both Mongoose Legion L60 and Mongoose Legion L80 receive customer reviews that average out above that median threshold.

Mongoose Legion L60
In comparison:
Mongoose Legion L60 ranks #9 out of 9.
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Mongoose Legion L80
In comparison:
Mongoose Legion L80 ranks #5 out of 9.
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Median best-selling BMX Bike
In comparison:
Mongoose Legion L80 ranks #5 out of 9.
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Mongoose Legion L80 is more popular than Mongoose Legion L60

It's fairly safe to say that Mongoose Legion L80 is a more popular bmx bike than Mongoose Legion L60, based on its 800+ reviews. Popularity is determined based on product sales. Note that older and cheaper products tend to sell more.

To consider

Customers who view Mongoose Legion L60 and L80 often consider Mongoose Legion L10, a pricier option.
Table: Top compared alternatives for Mongoose Legion L60 and L80
Mongoose Legion L10 $180
In comparison:
Mongoose Legion L10 ranks #8 out of 9.
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Mongoose Legion L100 $180
In comparison:
Mongoose Legion L100 ranks #7 out of 9.
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More Popular
Mongoose Legion L20 $180
In comparison:
Mongoose Legion L20 ranks #4 out of 9. Very high levels of customer satisfaction.
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More Popular Better Reviews
Mongoose Legion L40 $180
In comparison:
Mongoose Legion L40 ranks #6 out of 9.
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Find the best bmx bike in BMX Bike Finder
From Seller:
  • The Legion L100 is a fully park, street or dirt worthy freestyle BMX bike that offers everything a rider could need from beginner level curb jumps all the way up to advanced aerial tricks on a quarterpipe. Suggested rider height is 5 ft 8 inches and Up
  • Read more
From Seller:
  • The Legion L100 is a fully park, street or dirt worthy freestyle BMX bike that offers everything a rider could need from beginner level curb jumps all the way up to advanced aerial tricks on a quarterpipe. Suggested rider height is 5 ft 8 inches and Up
  • Read more
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Mongoose Legion L60 is a very popular option at the bottom of the price range. It's in the top 3 bestselling BMX bikes and has a couple of popular alternatives in the same price range, such as Mongoose Legion L20 or Mongoose Legion L40 .

Mongoose Legion L60 price is about the same as the price of the average BMX bike ($179.99).

Mongoose Legion L80 is a very popular option in the middle of the BMX bikes price range. It has a couple of popular alternatives in the same price range, such as Mongoose Legion L20 or Mongoose Legion L40 .

Mongoose Legion L80 price is roughly the same as the price of an average BMX bike ($179.99).

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