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Customers like Callaway Men's X Series 416 way more

At ReviewFinder we prefer to focus on professional product reviews, because customer reviews can be disproportionately affected by unrelated factors such as delivery, specific seller listing problems, and, of course, fake reviews. With that said, below is the summary of consumer sentiment.

Callaway Men's X Series 416
Callaway XR OS Irons
Consumer score (CS) is a normalized computed representation of customers' sentiment towards a product.
CS of 10 is similar to a 4.8 star review, CS of 0 is similar to a 2 star review.

Callaway Men's X Series 416, the cheaper option, tends to get more favorable reviews than Callaway XR OS Irons.

As can be seen in the chart above, median best-selling golf club receives a consumer score of 8.8 (great). Both Callaway Men's X Series 416 and Callaway XR OS Irons receive customer reviews that average out below that median threshold.

Callaway Men's X Series 416
In comparison:
Callaway Men's X Series 416 ranks #26 out of 37. Very high levels of customer satisfaction.
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Callaway XR OS Irons
In comparison:
Callaway XR OS Irons ranks #36 out of 37.
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Median best-selling Golf Club
In comparison:
Callaway X Hot ranks #19 out of 37. Very high levels of customer satisfaction.
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Callaway XR OS Irons is more popular than Callaway Men's X Series 416

It's fairly safe to say that Callaway XR OS Irons is a more popular golf club than Callaway Men's X Series 416, based on its 40+ reviews. Popularity is determined based on product sales. Note that older and cheaper products tend to sell more.

To consider

Customers who view Callaway Men's X Series 416 and XR OS Irons often consider Taylormade Rocketballs RBZ, a pricier option with better reviews.
Table: Top compared alternatives for Callaway Men's X Series 416 and XR OS Irons
Taylormade Rocketballs RBZ $409
In comparison:
Taylormade Rocketballs RBZ ranks #6 out of 37. Very high levels of customer satisfaction.
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Better Reviews
TaylorMade RocketBallz RBZ $409
In comparison:
TaylorMade RocketBallz RBZ ranks #5 out of 37. Very high levels of customer satisfaction.
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Better Reviews
Callaway Strata Plus $470
In comparison:
Callaway Strata Plus ranks #17 out of 37. Very high levels of customer satisfaction.
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More Popular Better Reviews
Callaway Strata Complete 2019 $380
In comparison:
Callaway Strata Complete 2019 ranks #15 out of 37. Very high levels of customer satisfaction.
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Cheaper More Popular Better Reviews
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Expert Reviews There are people on the Internet whose job is to review products. Below are their opinions.
No expert reviews linked yet for Callaway Men's X Series 416.

Expert reviews [15]

Total expert reviews: 15
  • with a score: 4
  • without a score: 11
Highest score by Golf A Lot
Average score based on 15 reviews
Lowest score by GolfMagic

Score distribution:

From Seller:
  • Long, fast & forgiving
  • Designed with fast ball speed for more distance
  • Good feel and good sound
  • Read more
From Seller:
  • Long with our industry-leading Face cup: we've taken our cup 360 technology that's redefined ball speed in the category, and helped US become the #1 iron in golf.And we've made it even faster
  • Easier to hit XR os irons are easy to launch with a center of Gravity that's lower and further back. It's easy for you to get a ball flight that leads to more distance
  • Read more
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Callaway Men's X Series 416 is a popular option on the lower end of the price range. It's in the top 3 bestselling golf clubs and has quite a few popular alternatives in the same price range, such as Taylormade Rocketballs RBZ or TaylorMade RocketBallz RBZ .

Callaway Men's X Series 416 is $100.04 cheaper than the average golf club ($500).

Callaway XR OS Irons is a very popular option on the lower end of the price range. It's in the top 3 bestselling golf clubs and has dozens of popular alternatives in the same price range, such as TaylorMade Men's RSi2 or Callaway Women's Strata Plus .

Callaway XR OS Irons is $75.01 cheaper than the average golf club ($500).

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