Consumer Score
In comparison:
Audio Technica ATH-M50X ranks #4 out of 98. Very high levels of customer satisfaction.
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Consumer Score
In comparison:
PreSonus HD7 ranks #57 out of 98. Very high levels of customer satisfaction.
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Customers like Audio Technica ATH-M50X noticeably more

At ReviewFinder we prefer to focus on professional product reviews, because customer reviews can be disproportionately affected by unrelated factors such as delivery, specific seller listing problems, and, of course, fake reviews. With that said, below is the summary of consumer sentiment.

Audio Technica ATH-M50X
PreSonus HD7
Consumer score (CS) is a normalized computed representation of customers' sentiment towards a product.
CS of 10 is similar to a 4.8 star review, CS of 0 is similar to a 2 star review.

Audio Technica ATH-M50X, the pricier option, tends to get more favorable reviews than PreSonus HD7.

As can be seen in the chart above, median best-selling wired headphones receives a consumer score of 8.7 (great). Audio Technica ATH-M50X ranks higher than that and PreSonus HD7 ranks lower than that.

Audio Technica ATH-M50X
In comparison:
Audio Technica ATH-M50X ranks #4 out of 98. Very high levels of customer satisfaction.
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PreSonus HD7
In comparison:
PreSonus HD7 ranks #57 out of 98. Very high levels of customer satisfaction.
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Median best-selling Wired Headphones
In comparison:
Shure SRH1540 ranks #50 out of 98. Very high levels of customer satisfaction.
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Audio Technica ATH-M50X is more popular than PreSonus HD7

It's fairly safe to say that Audio Technica ATH-M50X are more popular wired headphones than PreSonus HD7, based on their 20,000+ reviews. Popularity is determined based on product sales. Note that older and cheaper products tend to sell more.

To consider

Customers who view Audio Technica ATH-M50X and PreSonus HD7 often consider Audio Technica ATH-M30x, a pricier option.
Table: Top compared alternatives for Audio Technica ATH-M50X and PreSonus HD7
Audio Technica ATH-M30x $66
In comparison:
Audio Technica ATH-M30x ranks #9 out of 98. Very high levels of customer satisfaction.
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Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro $162
In comparison:
Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro ranks #7 out of 98. Very high levels of customer satisfaction.
Go to rankings
Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro (80 Ohms) $169
In comparison:
Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro (80 Ohms) ranks #8 out of 98. Very high levels of customer satisfaction.
Go to rankings
Beats EP $150
In comparison:
Beats EP ranks #34 out of 98. Very high levels of customer satisfaction.
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Find the best wired headphones in Wired Headphones Finder
Expert Reviews There are people on the Internet whose job is to review products. Below are their opinions.

Expert reviews [18]

Total expert reviews: 18
  • with a score: 12
  • without a score: 6
Highest score by Old Time Music
Average score based on 18 reviews
Lowest score by TechGearLab

Score distribution:

No expert reviews linked yet for PreSonus HD7.
From Seller:
  • PROVIDES EXCEPTIONAL CLARITY - The Audio-Technica ATH-M50x Headphones features proprietary 45mm drivers and an extended 15Hz~28kHz frequency range. It offers a deep and accurate bass response.
  • SUPPRESSES AMBIENT NOISES - The circumaural design of the earcups perfectly contours around your ears, isolating background noise so you can enjoy listening to music more.
  • Read more
From Seller:
  • Bluetooth 5.0 wireless for mobile use, Plus wired connectivity for use with professional devices, when wireless operation is prohibited, or when battery life is low (cable and ⅛”- to-¼” adapter included)
  • Read more
From Manufacturer Manufacturer-provided product description, urls and documents.
EAN Numbers: 0000870014480, 0045635998476, 0139141924941, 0173609000389, 0496131013345, 0600380807697, 0613815622178, 0613815632290, 0632709976647, 0639476314153, 0639476314245, 0660845663930, 0702050658117, 0723856558883, 0750408373168, 0750408373199, 0768430817666, 0799637514409, 0802819788625, 0802819839976, 0845251076035, 4251073801759, 4961310125431, 4961310125455, 4961310133450, 4961310141219, 4961310141226, 4961310143329, 5054605107997, 5554442231317, 5554442432103, 5554442432806, 5697020118249, 5775885458288, 8944467456449
UPC Numbers: 000870014480, 045635998476, 139141924941, 173609000389, 496131013345, 600380807697, 613815622178, 613815632290, 632709976647, 639476314153, 639476314245, 660845663930, 702050658117, 723856558883, 750408373168, 750408373199, 768430817666, 799637514409, 802819788625, 802819839976, 845251076035
Model Numbers: ATH-M50X, ATH-M50XGM, ATHM50XRD, ATH-M50XWH
No manufacturer information linked for PreSonus HD7.
Loading price comparison chart...

Audio Technica ATH-M50X are a very popular and one of the more expensive options. They're in the top 3 bestselling wired headphones and have dozens of popular alternatives in the same price range, such as Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro or Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro (250 Ohms) .

Audio Technica ATH-M50X are $73.95 more expensive than average wired headphones ($89.95).

PreSonus HD7 are a well-known option in the middle of the wired headphones price range. They're in the top 3 bestselling wired headphones and have dozens of popular alternatives in the same price range, such as Audio Technica ATH-M30x or AKG K240studio .

PreSonus HD7 are $25.26 less expensive than average wired headphones ($89.95).

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