Vladimir Kostek Verified Creator
Vladimir Kostek: A tech review channel with a personal touch, offering in-depth reviews and occasional DIY projects, connecting with like-minded viewers and fostering a community of learning and sharing.
Total verified video reviews: 1
Product review of reMarkable 2
Sentiment: Somewhat positive
The reMarkable 2, despite its high cost and some limitations as an e-reader, proves invaluable for enhancing my focus and organization with its seamless pen-and-paper-like experience, making it worth the investment for individuals seeking a distraction-free digital notebook.
...An integral part of my workflow... Next quote
reMarkable 2 - Long Term Review
27 May 2022
🖊️ Sleek and organized device
...I think this is sleeker slimmer device and Makes for a more organized me... Watch in video
📃 Strong paper feel
...The remarkable 2 does have a very strong paper Kind of feel to it when you're writing with a pen or pencil... Watch in video
✍️ Disconnected feel
...It's just a completely disconnected feel which for someone like myself when I'm on my laptop... Watch in video
🖼️ Better than a laptop for focus
...The remarkable just lets me kind of sit there with my pen and paper or pencil and paper and my thoughts... Watch in video
🌍 Great for travel
...When I travel I always carry this with me. It's pretty easy to carry around... Watch in video
🔋 Improved battery life and construction
...The battery life has improved a little bit not that the original one had bad battery life But the construction quality is much much sturdier... Watch in video
🧲 Folio book with magnet is more practical
...I really like this one the folio book Which actually has a magnet in it and it you know clicks in right there... Watch in video
📧 Integration options
...There are four ways. I believe there's the smartphone app... There's also the browser extension... There's also the Dropbox or Google Drive and I think there's also one note... There's also the desktop app... Watch in video
🚫 Minimal distractions
...I think it improves my process of creativity and Allows me to just jot things down without being distracted or plot things out and kind of plan things... Watch in video
🖥️ Additional Screen mirroring feature
...That I actually have used for the screen mirroring feature once I just used it as a test To kind of see if it worked and it actually did work pretty well... Watch in video
🤔 📚 Limited use as an e-reader
...One thing that the remarkable 2 is not good at I would say is being an e-reader... Watch quote in video
🤔 💡 Lack of backlight
...Actually not having a backlight is the biggest drawback and also the actual size... Watch quote in video
🤔 ✏️ Sketching limitations
...One thing I don't find myself doing a lot is actually sketching on here... Watch quote in video
🤔 💸 High price
...It is certainly a device that is expensive. There's no beating around the bush... Watch quote in video
🤔 ✒️ Fragile pen
...Be careful with the pen. Dropping it around is a little fragile... Watch quote in video
🤔 🖊️ Expensive eraser pen option
...The one with the eraser, which is this one, is a lot more expensive... Watch quote in video
🤔 🔌 Limited configurations
...Several options you can choose from...but the configurations do seem limited based on user needs... Watch quote in video
🤔 📲 Distraction management
...It just improves on the pen and paper feel and the kind of non-distracted feel... Watch quote in video
🤔 🆓 Software limitations
...They've started adding more features, improved a few things, but it still feels very limited in terms of what it could offer... Watch quote in video